Road to Jaws Overlook


  • The road to Jaw is about 1.5 miles long and is not paved.
  • When it rains it is very muddy and slippery. In places the road is about 10′ wide meaning if you encounter another vehicle, one of you will have to back up.
  • It is steep in places with deep ruts. Do NOT attempt to drive down this road unless your vehicle has high clearance and 4-wheel drive.
  • Many car rental companies do not allow their vehicles down this road.
  • Cars and trucks get stuck, or worse, often and have to be towed at great expense.

Our advice to you is the same advice surfers use about Jaws: If in doubt, don’t go out.

If you walk down, shoes are better than slippahs (flip flops). Bring water; it can get hot.

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